Zub za zub (Pomsta je sladká) - picture 2
Zub za zub (Pomsta je sladká) - picture 2
On the left side of the photography stands Mr. Piskáček who has dark trousers on, shoes, a light shirt and an undone coat. In his right hand he holds some object. He puts his right hand on Michl´s shoulder. Michl has a suit with waistcoat on, a shirt and a tie. Kaclová stands in front of the lamp and has a dark dress on. A window, flowers, a small carpet, a fur and an opened door can be seen on the photograph.
Egyéb cím(ek): Zub za zub (Pomsta je sladká) - picture 2
Létrehozás időpontja: 1913
Leírás: On the left side of the photography stands Mr. Piskáček who has dark trousers on, shoes, a light shirt and an undone coat. In his right hand he holds some object. He puts his right hand on Michl´s shoulder. Michl has a suit with waistcoat on, a shirt and a tie. Kaclová stands in front of the lamp and has a dark dress on. A window, flowers, a small carpet, a fur and an opened door can be seen on the photograph.
Kulcsszavak: muži / žena / kalhoty / košile / plášť / oblek / vesta / kravata / dlouhé šaty / lampa / okno / květiny / koberec / dveře / men / woman / trousers / shirt / cloak / suit / waistcoat / tie / dress / lamp / window / flowers / carpet / door
Szolgáltató: Národní filmový archiv
Jogok: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
A dokument típusa: Set photo